lesbos fire

Lesbos refugee camp fire forces thousands to evacuate

Emergency evacuation on the Greek island of Lesbos due to forest fire

Lesbos: Greek police move migrants to new camp after Moria fire - BBC News

Moria fire: Lesbos islanders, refugees wait for Europe to decide future

Lesbos migrant camp fire: France 24 meets unhappy residents of replacement facility

Greece: 'Dramatic scenes' in Lesbos migrant camp fire

Devastating fire is the latest crisis to befall residents of Lesbos refugee camp

Fire Burns Down Refugee Camp in Lesbos

Huge fire at migrant camp on Lesbos, Greece, leaves over 12,000 homeless

Thousands of migrants flee massive fire at Lesbos camp

Lesbos refugees: Thousands concerned about new camp after fire

Migrants Rush to Get Food and Water After Lesbos Camp Fire

Lesbos migrant camp fire: Pikpa, Kara Tepe camps shelter vulnerable asylum seekers

Moria Migrants and Refugees Move to New Camp After Lesbos Fire in Greece

Lesbos migrant camp fire leaves thousands without shelter | AFP

Calls for EU action on refugees after Lesbos fire

Greece migrant camp fire: 3,500 displaced on Lesbos island after fire destroys overcrowded camp

Migrants protest on Greek island of Lesbos after catastrophic fire | AFP

‘Where will they go?’: Volunteers on Greece’s Lesbos fight to keep migrant camp open

Refugee Crisis: Thousands flee after fire at camp on Lesbos

Greece: Lesbos migrants march against new camp facility after Moria fire

Fire fighting helicopter douses Lesbos migrant camp | AFP

Over 5000 migrants move to new Lesbos camp after Moria fire; 135 test positive for COVID-19

Displaced migrants on Lesbos island protest in wake of fire at Moria camp